Many residents of multi-unit buildings (apartments, condos and coops) in Washington, D.C. have complained about second-hand smoke in their units. In some cases, this occurs even in buildings that are specifically advertised as smoke-free and where community rules specifically prohibit smoking even inside a resident’s apartment.
Second-hand smoke is a serious health issue. Research has found that second-hand smoke can cause a range of harmful effects on health.
The survey below is intended to gather information about the pervasiveness of the problem of second-hand smoke in multi-unit, residential buildings. Any resident of Washington DC who lives in an apartment, condo or coop building may complete the survey.
This survey is being conducted by a group of eight tenant associations representing the residents of eight large apartment buildings in Washington, D.C. Many of our members have complained about second-hand smoke - this survey is designed to find out if this is a widespread problem.
It should take less than five minutes to complete the survey. If you share personal information, it only will be used by us to contact you about further action on second-hand smoke. The results of the survey, without names or any other personally identifiable information, will be sent to policymakers and made public.
Please share this survey widely to friends, neighbors, and family in DC so we can get gather data about how serious the problem of second-hand smoke is for residents of the District. To share the survey, please copy and paste this shortened web address into the body of your email: